MORE ON THIS IN TODAY's PIPELINE... we are determined, by hell or highwater, to get it emailed out by NOON.
(all content below, by the DL gallery... FYI, if you mention the secret name of "Florence Nightinggale" when buying any of these moving sale pieces, David will hook you up with a drop-dead-deal while also sharing proceeds with us, to help keep the pipeline going strong. The secret word was inspired by our favorite Finster piece, featuring Nightinggale as well as some inspiring words that we love)
Art Lovers,
The time has come for me to leave my storefront at 1346 N. Paulina St.
I have recently leased the store to the Kangen Oasis. They sell fantastic Water machines. I know this because I have one and one for my Mom too!
Give me a call if you want more info on this fantastic water.
To make a long story short my last day in the store on Paulina St. is May 31st.
Until that time I will be having my 70% off sale.
I will also be giving a free Howard Finster print with any purchase over $500.
The fate of the Howard Finster Vision House Chicago is kind of up in the air at this point.
Something usually happens for the better in all of my dealings with Howard Finster so I have hope that's exactly what will happen again.
You certainly haven't heard the last of me as my TV show is still on the air and I still have 1000 pieces of art.
However the Honeymoon here on Paulina St. is coming to an end.
Seems like it was yesterday but I have been selling art on Paulina St. for 20 years.
I look forward to helping many of you with your art collections in the next two weeks.
So come on down or give me a call or email.
All the art here looks better in your house!
Thank you.
David Leonardis - Curator
Howard Finster Vision House Chicago
1346 N. Paulina St.
Chicago, Il 60622
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