Asia Nails, 2051 W. North, is under new ownership as well as newly remodeled, and the vibe inside is more festive than ever before, in large part because an entire family is now involved in making the salon just west of the Milw/Damen/North intersection a success.
Andy, Tina, and their daughter, Shayla all work together at the salon, along with two of Shayla's cousins, Katie and Zenny.
Having been a semi-regular Asia Nail customer since 2005, I noticed the changes as well as some bananas at the front reception area. At first, being the glutton that I am, I incorrectly assumed that perhaps the bananas were for customers. It was not such a far stretch of the imagination, as the salon's previous owner, an elderly woman who always had a rotating staff, put out a dish of candy at the front counter.
Then I looked up and noticed that the bananas were in front of a Buddha statue.
"They [the bananas] are for Buddha," Andy, the salon's owner, informed me. Andy added that the statue is for good luck.
Speaking of good luck, we hope that Asia Nails receives lots of it too. We look forward to including Asia Nail's coupon in the upcoming Celebrate! printed magazine, featuring lots of local businesses and people and more coupons and deals than our first printed effort.
Until then, go get a manicure. You may not be able to afford the time out or the $, but you will feel better, plus you can rub Buddha's belly for your own good luck on the way out.
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