It's hard not to get cheesy while thinking about how much fun yesterday was, when I decided to go out into the neighborhood beginning with a pop in to St. Mary of the Angels school.
Elise, who greeted me at the school and provided a tour, truly was a ray of sunshine during the otherwise bleak day. The school. built in 1899, feels like something out of a movie set. Its auditorium, once used in a commercial as a bingo hall, will soon be home to a Saturday night fundraiser featuring live music, dancing, drinks, music, extensive raffle offerings, and more. In this case, the "more" is the sense of history you feel walking through the school, the feeling that a lot of shoes passed through these halls before yours did.
But, in this YouTube clip with Elise, she explains near the end that the school is not haunted.
Lots more on this, but I'll save it for later, because by then it was after 1PM on a Saturday and it was raining lightly, and cold, and my leg was hurting, but there was an ad sheet in my purse, a rough sketch that I had even put a fancy report cover on. And I said, this sketch, it's it. No further draft. I don't come back to try to win your favor with a glossier sheet or to show you a mock up. I don't have time to be a full-time salesperson on top of the 20 other things I do, including being a full-time salesperson in a different industry.
So that was that, and I was honest and quick about everything, and because so many were already familiar with the pipeline and knew that I was entirely serious about my product, the day flew by and the commitments came in one by one, and now I have to go attempt to do some office work when I really want to work on the editorial. Sunday goes by way too fast. In next pipeline we'll report on who has joined us, and if I haven't gotten you the one sheeter yet it's because I've been on the streets and not at a computer. As a result of being on the streets, I'm remembering why I love this thing. THANK YOU!
We are people inspired for a reason. So touched.
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