By Philin Phlash
I wish I had all the answers, why is one person better than another? All the people who would like to be mayor are all good Chicago residents. They all want to try to fill the shoes of the man who was king. They all want to do good things and make our city better, safer, smarter. When this race started 20 people wanted to be Mayor,and I declared I want to be the new mayor’s photographer.
I started with Manny Flores collecting signatures and telling people that Manny would be a great new mayor. He dropped out and I was all set to join the Bob Fioretti team, and he had health issues and dropped out, so Tom Dart seemed like a strait shooter, looking out for homeowners, and people who could not look out for themselves because they were dead and in their graves. Then, Tom dropped out.
Day one of Rahm’s listening tour, I was there and I followed him around and I listened to what the people were saying and how this man Rahm responded.
I saw how children looked up to him, how parents cried out for better education and safety for their children.
The vibe was something I never felt before; it hit home with me because I am a dad and a Chicago resident for over 20 years and these concerns for our young are the most important thing. Jobs were next, taxes, parking meters, city hall corruption, I heard it all,and every question this guy answered was not like a poll, but a dad, a parent, a citizen.
Now remember I was not on his team, I was rooting for my first choice, who is this guy Rahm, I heard he had a foul mouth, delivered dead fish and stabbed a fish over and over to get a point across. None of these things bothered me and Sarah Palin had a problem with F---in Retar* and I said he talks like me and sometimes that is the only phrase that works in a certain situations. Some people don’t like people with an attitude or people who speak their mind, tell it like it is, well, I’m not one of them and neither is he.
I looked into some of the good things Rahm has done while being a congressmen for Chicago and serving President Clinton. He took on the gun lobby to pass a crime bill that banned assault weapons and put 100,000 police officers on the streets across America. He helped make it a federal crime to take advantage of the elderly and he pushed the violence against women act. He saved a small factory of 35 workers from closing or moving out of state, got funding to help start the first Chicago Teachers Academy. I could go on and on, he did this he did that,this just shows me he can get things done and I hope it shows you why Rahm is the man for the job.
He is very organized, he has a step by step plan on just about anything that the people of Chicago need. Rahm will put 1000 more cops on the streets of Chicago, give kids a world class education in safe schools, and give the taxpayers what they are paying for without selling off city assets. A green, clean, mean-what-I-say city, the city of big shoulders,all walks of life, all races,all religions,all the people will be able to speak to our new mayor. I said before and I’ll say it again: What I saw on the day Rahm Emanuel made his bid to run for Mayor of Chicago. He loves and respects his parents. He loves his wife and three children, and he loves the city and the people of Chicago. I don’t need anyone to tell me who is the best man to lead this city. I’ve seen it and felt it with my own eyes, heart, and mind. So please join me now and on Feb.22 with love, hope and respect, and vote for RAHM EMANUEL MAYOR OF CHICAGO 2011. Thank You. May the best man win. RAHM ON!
Rahm bam thank you ma'am.
ReplyDeletei like your drive phil, best of luck on this mission. i happen to be a fan of this guy and hope he wins. i live in boston and will be rooting for you guys.
ReplyDeleteNice article Phil. ...we'll see if he can deliver on HALF of these promises. A pledge is one thing... a delivery is quite another.