Friday, November 26, 2010

The Week Past, the Week Ahead: Shop Local

This past week's Pipeline (Nov. 23) concluded the "What are you thankful for?" series. If we are around again next year, we look forward to asking that question again.

I hate the fact I keep writing "IF," but as the days and weeks and months go by, I find myself struggling to keep the pipeline going amid many challenges. We are determined to keep going, even if I have to pull all-nighters before going to a job that has nothing to do with the pipeline.

Here's a more positive IF.... If you have any money, spend it locally this season and year-round. Each week we either link to or feature a dozen-plus local businesses, because we want the local economy to prosper, as well as the shop owners. "Shop Local" is not just a once yearly slogan for us, but something we practice every day, in every weekly issue, and we suspect most Pipeline readers do too.

"People inspired, community driven."

Thanks for reading. Happy shopping.

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