Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Week Past, the Week Ahead

Today's issue can be read here.

We will likely be MIA for the March 29 issue, returning on April 5, just one day before the Pipeline 100 Participation Deadline.

The Deadline enables us to get cracking on the booklet editorial. Booklet due out first week in June, perfect time to get word out on summer events and such.

The one issue break will enable me to spend quality time with my mom without rushing on Sunday as well as solicit for the Pipeline 100 via phone and streets on Saturday and then work on necessary office work related to the project instead of just jumping into the abyss which is the next pipeline.

Due to my FT job, back pain, and needing to make time for physical therapy, there's little time to go to meetings related to $10 listings or affordable display ads. Please reference this detail sheet. It's $10 for a listing. ALL in the listings and display ads will be mentioned in a special section on sidebar of every Pipeline now through Labor Day, 2011, as well as in our printed booklet. Participants will shape future content and direction of the pipeline too.

All proceeds will benefit a team of four and assist with software expenses, toner, data storage, compensating pipeline staffers for their hard work b/c I don't believe 'everything is free,' etc.