DISCLAIMER: There is no reference to Wicker Park in the following post, but I am about to hit the streets for the next two days to find out what is happening in the neighborhood.
Because if all I shared in the next pipeline were a short video clip of a friend sparing no mercy in welcoming me to the working world as I lament the fact I cannot cover two upcoming events due to more pressing commitments, the saltines and harissa from Videnovich Farms that I whipped out in a rare moment of hostess-ness around 2AM, and the gut-bumb chili enjoyed by a coworker (my bowl was sans macaroni but just as unhealthy with all the fixins), it would likely not be a very strong issue or relate to the 'hood I've foolishly tricked myself and a few readers into thinking I've been covering for the past near two years. Maybe it was all a dream?
Speaking of working, Loretta, pictured, has worked at Lindy's Chili and Gertie's Ice Cream in Brighton/McKinley Park for 16 years. In 2011, Loretta who'd naturally never heard of The Pipeline but indulged my quasi-reporter status, confided that she hopes for "more money, more customers, and more fun!"
Well said, Loretta. Oh, and if you're wondering about the relationship of chili and ice cream, check this history out and experience "A Brilliant Flash of the Obvious" as I just did.
In other news, Working Bikes Cooperative, formerly one block west of Western next to the Tom Robinson Gallery, is now in Pilsen too.
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