There are many manila envelopes associated with my job.
I have a sliding drawer that is many times completely full of manila envelopes.
One of the main chores of my job is to give these manila envelopes to
people who walk in and ask for them.
They say, "Hello."
I in turn also give them a greeting.
They tell me who they are and that they want a manila envelope.
I open the big sliding drawer that has all of the manila envelopes in
it and look for the manila envelope that corresponds with their
particular name.
If I find it, then I hand it to them, and they are very happy to
receive their manila envelope.
Then we make humorous jokes at each other.
Like: "Workin' hard, or hardly workin'?"
And then we just laugh and laugh and laugh.
But sometimes there is not a manila envelope for someone that comes in.
I open the big sliding drawer with all of the manila envelopes in it,
and I look for the manila envelope that corresponds with their
particular name.
"I have no manila envelopes for you in the big sliding drawer, perhaps
there's been some mistake." I tell them while standing up and walking
back into where there might be other manila envelopes.
I look frantically for a manila envelope for the individual who wants
one with their own name on it.
"We have no manila envelopes for you today." I tell them sadly.
They look down at the ground while their eyes water and say, "I will
check for my manila envelope tomorrow."
-By Wolverang
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