(Photos courtesy of Doug Wood)
Monday, January 10 – 7-8:30 P.M.
Wicker Park Field House – 1425.N. Damen
Wicker Park Garden Club Landscape Design Series
RSVP required; limited seating.
Email wpgarden@aol.com or (773) 278-9075 - Pay at Door
Gary Lehman, RLA, ASLA
Marx - Expressive Lines, Texture, Color
Exciting Designs Utilizing an Artist-Botanist Palette and Sensibility in Landscape Design
Join Gary Lehman as he discusses the work and practice of Roberto Burle Marx and his influence on landscape design. Roberto Burle Marx was inspirational figure for landscape architects as he merged interests in painting, botany, and gardening. His unique character captured expressive lines in the landscape and his understanding of the planting and ecology surrounding it.
Mr. Lehman will discuss how this organic and expressive style was applied in a variety of mediums particularly in gardens. Additional attention will show how this styling and approach is applied to other contemporary designers.
Gary Lehman introduced G Studio (www.gstudiodesign.net ) with 12 years of experience at reputable firms including Hoerr Schaudt Landscape Architects, Carol R. Johnson and Associates (now CRJA), HNTB Corporation, Wolff Clements and Associates (now Wolff Landscape Architecture), Thompson Dyke & Associates, and Landscapes Unlimited. This work includes all scales of work from residential to town center design and range in scope from concept design to construction administration. This experience includes coordination with architects, engineers, developers, homeowners, university institutions, municipal departments, and planning organizations. The breadth of this work is broad and brings a phenomenal level of quality, intelligence, and exposure for every project.
View: http://www.flickr.com/photos/18755648@N00/3754098333
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