(Note: All content, below, by Friends of Holstein Park. If you'd like to sign up for their monthly e-newsletter, email friendsofholsteinpark[AT SYMBOL]yahoo.com with "subscribe" in header.)
Holstein Happenings
January 30, 2011
Game On!
Aldermanic Debate - Wednesday, Feb. 2 6:30 PM
All of the 32nd Ward aldermanic candidates are invited to a moderated forum in the field house auditorium at Holstein Park Wednesday, February 2 at 6:30 PM. The forum is sponsored by the Bucktown Community Organization (BCO). Everyone is welcome.
Teen Tubing Trip - Thursday, Feb. 10 4:30 PM
All teens in the after school program are invited to go on a teen tubing trip to La Villa Resort in Hanover Park. The bus leaves at 4:30 PM from Holstein (please be there by 4:15) and will return around 10 PM. For more information, call Shannon at the park. 312-742-7554.
Teen Valentine Dance - Friday, Feb. 11 7-9 PM (ages 12 - 15)
Hearts afire! It's the annual Holstein Park Teen Valentine Dance for kids ages 12 - 15. Featuring refreshments, cool sounds, and fun lights! Rap Master K will be spinning and there's plenty of dance floor to fill. If you want to attend, make sure you sign up in advance at the Friends of Holstein Park website. Suggested donation is $2.
Family Valentine Dance - Saturday, Feb. 12 3-5 PM (ages 2-8)
Same holiday, different music. . . plus special Valentine treats for the kids and a Chocolate Fountain. Boys, girls, moms and dads. Come share the love in the Holstein Park auditorium.
This is a DATE TO REMEMBER. Online registration for all Spring programs begins promptly at 9 AM . . . and most programs are filled by 10! Mom & Tots, After School, Spring Sports Camp, special sports days. Go to www.chicagoparkdistrict.com and hit Holstein Park in the pulldown menu. You will be asked to pay with a credit card. If you want to find out all the programs the park district offers at Holstein and all the other parks, more information will be available on the park district site beginning Monday, January 31. There will be no walk-in registration at Holstein Park this year.
Friends of Holstein Park - Tuesday, Feb. 15 6:30 PM
Want to get involved in your park? For starters, check out our very cool new website at www.friendsofholsteinpark.com to see all the activities coming up this year. Then stop by the monthly meeting at 6:30 PM on the third Tuesday of every month. There's always something cooking in the idea factory.
CAPS Meeting - Thursday, Feb. 17 6:30 PM
The monthly community and police meeting takes place every third Thursday of the month in the Holstein Park auditorium. This is your chance to express your public safety concerns and meet the people who are out on the street every day protecting you.
President's Day - Monday, Feb. 21
Moms, Pops & Tots classes will take place as scheduled, but there will be no After School program or evening sports because the field house will be closed at 3 PM.
Election Day - Tuesday, Feb. 22
Don't forget to vote in one of the most exciting city elections in decades. If no candidate receives over 50 percent of the vote, there will be a second run-off election on April 5.
And Finally . . .
Spring programs start March 28. Does that mean it's time to pull out the old bat & ball?
Holstein Happenings is a monthly newsletter from Friends of Holstein Park to keep you informed of what's happening in our park. If you would like to add more names to the Holstein Happenings mailing list, send new addresses to friendsofholsteinpark@yahoo.com.
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